IBM Storwize V3700 Commands

Here is a listing of commands on the IBM Storwize V3700 along with their descriptions.

[table] “Command”, “Description” “activatefeature”,“Activates a function using a trial period or license key.” “addhostiogrp”,“Maps I/O groups to a host object.” “addhostport”,“Adds worldwide port names (WWPNs) or iSCSI names to a host object.” “addvdiskaccess”,“Adds to the set of I/O groups in which a Volume can be made accessible to hosts.” “addvdiskcopy”,“Adds a copy to an existing volume” “applydrivesoftware”,“Upgrades drives.” “applysoftware”,“Updates the system code.” “cancellivedump”,“Cancels a livedump.” “catauditlog”,“Displays the in-memory contents of the audit log.” “cfgportip”,“Assigns an IP address to each node canister ethernet port for iSCSI I/O.” “charray”,“Changes the attributes of an array.” “charraymember”,“Changes an array member’s attributes, or swaps a member of a RAID array.” “chauthservice”,“Configures the remote authentication service of the system.” “chcontroller”,“Changes the attributes of a controller.” “chcurrentuser”,“Changes the attributes of the current user.” “chdrive”,“Change the attributes of a drive.” “chemail”,“Sets or changes contact information for email event notifications.” “chemailserver”,“Changes the attributes of an email server.” “chemailuser”,“Changes the attributes for an email recipient.” “chenclosure”,“Changes enclosure properties.” “chenclosurecanister”,“Changes the properties of an enclosure canister.” “chenclosureslot”,“Changes the properties of an enclosure slot.” “cherrstate”,“Marks an unfixed error as fixed or a fixed error as unfixed.” “cheventlog”,“Changes events in the event log.” “chfcconsistgrp”,“Changes the attributes of a FlashCopy consistency group.” “chfcmap”,“Changes the attributes of a FlashCopy mapping.” “chhost”,“Changes the attributes of a host object.” “chiogrp”,“Changes the name and other attributes of an I/O group.” “chldap”,“Changes the system-wide Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) configuration.” “chldapserver”,“Changes a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server.” “chmdisk”,“Changes the attributes of a managed disk.” “chmdiskgrp”,“Changes the attributes of a storage pool.” “chnodecanister”,“Changes the name and other attributes of a node canister.” “chnodecanisterhw”,“Updates the hardware configuration for a node canister.” “chpartnership”,“Changes the partnership bandwidth between the local and remote system.” “chquorum”,“Changes the quorum association.” “chrcconsistgrp”,“Changes the attributes of a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group” “chrcrelationship”,“Changes the attributes of a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship.” “chsecurity”,“Changes security settings.” “chsnmpserver”,“Changes the attributes of an SNMP server.” “chsyslogserver”,“Changes the attributes of a syslog server.” “chsystem”,“Changes the attributes of an existing system.” “chsystemip”,“Changes the IP configuration parameters for the system.” “chuser”,“Changes the attributes of a user.” “chusergrp”,“Changes the attributes of a user group.” “chvdisk”,“Changes the attributes of a volume.” “cleardumps”,“Cleans the dump directories on a specified node canister.” “clearerrlog”,“Clears all entries from the event log.” “cpdumps”,“Copies dump files to the configuration node canister from another node canister.” “deactivatefeature”,“Deactivates a function.” “detectmdisk”,“Detects new managed disks and rebalances managed disk access.” “dumpallmdiskbadblocks”,“Dumps bad block counts to a dump.” “dumpauditlog”,“Resets or clears the contents of the in-memory audit log.” “dumperrlog”,“Dumps the contents of the event log to a text file.” “dumpmdiskbadblocks”,“Writes managed disk bad block counts and locations to a dump.” “enablecli”,“Enables the CLI for a recovered system.” “expandvdisksize”,“Expands the size of a volume by a given capacity.” “finderr”,“Finds the highest severity unfixed error in the event log.” “includemdisk”,“Includes a managed disk that has been excluded by the system.” “lsarray”,“Displays array managed disks” “lsarrayinitprogress”,“Displays the progress of array background initialization.” “lsarraylba”,“Displays an array logical block address (LBA) for a drive and LBA.” “lsarraymember”,“Displays the member drives of one or more array managed disks.” “lsarraymembergoals”,“Displays the spare goals for member drives of one or more array members.” “lsarraymemberprogress”,“Displays array member background process status.” “lsarraysyncprogress”,“Displays how synchronized a RAID array is.” “lscontroller”,“Displays the controllers visible to the system.” “lscopystatus”,“Displays whether any file copies are currently in progress.” “lscurrentuser”,“Displays the name and role of the logged-in user.” “lsdependentvdisks”,“Displays which volumes will go offline if you remove a piece of hardware from the system.” “lsdiscoverystatus”,“Displays whether a discovery operation is in progress.” “lsdrive”,“Displays configuration information and drive VPD.” “lsdrivelba”,“Maps array managed disk logical block address (LBA) to a set of drives.” “lsdriveprogress”,“Displays the progress of various drive tasks.” “lsdriveupgradeprogress”,“Displays the progress of drive firmware upgrade.” “lsdumps”,“Displays files in a dumps directory on one of the node canisters in the system.” “lsemailserver”,“Displays the email servers configured on the system.” “lsemailuser”,“Displays email event notification settings for email recipients.” “lsenclosure”,“Displays a summary of the enclosures.” “lsenclosurebattery”,“Displays information about the batteries in the enclosure PSUs.” “lsenclosurecanister”,“Displays status for each canister in an enclosure.” “lsenclosurechassis”,“Displays information about the enclosure chassis.” “lsenclosurepsu”,“Displays information about each power-supply unit (PSU) in the enclosure.” “lsenclosureslot”,“Displays information about each drive slot in the enclosure.” “lsenclosurestats”,“Displays enclosure statistics.” “lseventlog”,“Displays system event log information.” “lsfabric”,“Displays a report of the Fibre Channel connectivity between node canisters, controllers and hosts.” “lsfcconsistgrp”,“Displays the FlashCopy consistency groups on the system.” “lsfcmap”,“Displays the FlashCopy mappings on the system.” “lsfcmapcandidate”,“Displays volumes available to create FlashCopy mappings.” “lsfcmapdependentmaps”,“Displays the FlashCopy mappings that are dependent on a specified mapping.” “lsfcmapprogress”,“Displays the progress of the background copy of a FlashCopy mapping.” “lsfcportcandidate”,“Displays unconfigured, logged-in SAS host bus adapter (HBA) ports.” “lsfeature”,“Displays available features.” “lsfreeextents”,“Displays the number of free extents available on a managed disk.” “lshbaportcandidate”,“Displays unconfigured, logged-in host bus adapter (HBA) ports.” “lshost”,“Displays the hosts visible to the system.” “lshostiogrp”,“Displays the I/O groups associated with a specified host.” “lshostvdiskmap”,“Displays volumes that are mapped to a given host.” “lsiogrp”,“Displays the I/O groups on the system.” “lsiogrpcandidate”,“Displays I/O groups that can have node canisters added to them.” “lsiogrphost”,“Displays the hosts mapped to an I/O group.” “lsiscsiauth”,“Displays the Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol (CHAP) secret configured for authenticating an entity to the system.” “lsldap”,“Displays the system-wide Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) configuration.” “lsldapserver”,“Displays all configured Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) servers.” “lslivedump”,“Displays the livedump state of a node canister.” “lsmdisk”,“Displays the managed disks visible to the system.” “lsmdiskcandidate”,“Displays unmanaged disks by ID.” “lsmdiskextent”,“Displays the extent allocation between managed disks and volumes.” “lsmdiskgrp”,“Displays the storage pools on the system.” “lsmdisklba”,“Displays managed disk and logical block address (LBA) for a volume LBA.” “lsmdiskmember”,“Displays the volumes using extents on the specified managed disks.” “lsmigrate”,“Displays the progress of current data migration operations.” “lsnodecanister”,“Displays the node canisters that are part of the system.” “lsnodecanisterhw”,“Displays the hardware configuration of node canisters in the system.” “lsnodecanisterstats”,“Displays node canister statistics.” “lsnodecanistervpd”,“Displays the vital product data (VPD) for each node canister.” “lspartnership”,“Displays the current systems partnered with the local system.” “lspartnershipcandidate”,“Displays systems available for setting up a partnership with.” “lsportfc”,“Displays information about the Fibre Channel I/O ports.” “lsportip”,“Displays the iSCSI IP addresses assigned for each port on each node canister in the system.” “lsportsas”,“Displays information about the SAS ports.” “lsportusb”,“Displays information about the USB ports used for encryption.” “lsquorum”,“Displays the managed disks or drives the system is currently using to store quorum data.” “lsrcconsistgrp”,“Displays the Metro or Global Mirror consistency on the system.” “lsrcrelationship”,“Displays the Metro or Global Mirror relationships on the system.” “lsrcrelationshipcandidate”,“Displays volumes available to form Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationships.” “lsrcrelationshipprogress”,“Displays the progress of the background copy of a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship.” “lsrepairsevdiskcopyprogress”,“Displays the repair progress for space-efficient volume copies.” “lsrepairvdiskcopyprogress”,“Displays the progress of volume repairs and validations.” “lsrmvdiskdependentmaps”,“Displays all mappings that must be stopped for a volume to be deleted.” “lsroute”,“Displays the IP routing table.” “lssasfabric”,“Displays which canisters are visible to a node canister, and the order of these canisters.” “lssasportcandidate”,“Displays unconfigured, logged-in FC host bus adapter (HBA) ports.” “lssecurity”,“Internal use only.” “lssevdiskcopy”,“Displays the space-efficient copies of volumes.” “lssnmpserver”,“Displays the SNMP servers configured on the system.” “lssyslogserver”,“Displays the syslog servers configured on the system.” “lssystem”,“Displays the local system.” “lssystemip”,“Displays the system management IP addresses configured for each port.” “lssystemstats”,“Displays the most recent values or a history of canister statistics.” “lstimezones”,“Displays the time zones that are available on the system.” “lsupdate”,“Displays information about system, enclosure, and drive update.” “lsuser”,“Displays the users created on the system.” “lsusergrp”,“Displays the user groups created on the system.” “lsvdisk”,“Displays the volumes on the system.” “lsvdiskaccess”,“Displays which IO groups volumes are accessible through.” “lsvdiskcopy”,“Displays volume copy information.” “lsvdiskdependentmaps”,“Displays FlashCopy mappings with target volumes dependent upon data held on a specified volume.” “lsvdiskextent”,“Displays the managed disk extents that are provided for volumes.” “lsvdiskfcmapcopies”,“Displays all mappings with a target volume containing a valid copy of a volume.” “lsvdiskfcmappings”,“Displays the FlashCopy mappings to which a volume belongs.” “lsvdiskhostmap”,“Displays volume to host mappings.” “lsvdisklba”,“Displays the volume and logical block address (LBA) for a managed disk LBA.” “lsvdiskmember”,“Displays the managed disks that are members of a volume.” “lsvdiskprogress”,“Displays the progress during new volume formatting.” “lsvdisksyncprogress”,“Displays the progress of volume copy synchronization.” “migrateexts”,“Migrates extents from one managed disk to another.” “migratevdisk”,“Migrates an entire volume from one storage pool to another.” “mkarray”,“Creates a managed disk array and adds it to a storage pool.” “mkemailserver”,“Creates an email server.” “mkemailuser”,“Adds an email recipient of event and inventory notifications.” “mkfcconsistgrp”,“Creates a new FlashCopy consistency group.” “mkfcmap”,“Creates a new FlashCopy mapping.” “mkfcpartnership”,“mkfcpartnership” “mkhost”,“Creates a logical host object.” “mkippartnership”,“mkippartnership” “mkldapserver”,“Creates a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server.” “mkmdiskgrp”,“Creates a storage pool.” “mkpartnership”,“Creates a one-way Metro Mirror or Global Mirror partnership between the local and remote system.” “mkrcconsistgrp”,“Creates a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group.” “mkrcrelationship”,“Creates a new Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship.” “mksnmpserver”,“Creates an SNMP server to receive notifications.” “mksyslogserver”,“Creates a syslog server to receive notifications.” “mkuser”,“Creates a local or a remote user to access a system.” “mkusergrp”,“Creates a user group.” “mkvdisk”,“Creates a sequential, striped, or image mode volume.” “mkvdiskhostmap”,“Creates a mapping between a volume and a host.” “movevdisk”,“Changes the caching I/O group of a Volume.” “ping”,“Diagnoses IP configuration.” “preplivedump”,“Reserves system resources required for a livedump.” “prestartfcconsistgrp”,“Prepares a FlashCopy consistency group for starting.” “prestartfcmap”,“Prepares a FlashCopy mapping for starting.” “recoverarray”,“Recovers a corrupt array.” “recoverarraybysystem”,“Recovers a corrupt array.” “recovervdisk”,“Acknowledges volume data loss and brings the volume back online.” “recovervdiskbyiogrp”,“Acknowledges data loss for all volumes in the specified I/O group and brings the volumes back online.” “recovervdiskbysystem”,“Acknowledges data loss for all volumes in the system and brings the volumes back online.” “repairsevdiskcopy”,“Repairs the metadata on a space-efficient volume.” “repairvdiskcopy”,“Detects and corrects any volume copies that are not identical.” “resetleds”,“Simultaneously switches off all LEDs in the system.” “rmarray”,“Removes a managed disk array from the configuration.” “rmemailserver”,“Deletes an email server.” “rmemailuser”,“Remove an email recipient from your system.” “rmfcconsistgrp”,“Deletes a FlashCopy consistency group.” “rmfcmap”,“Deletes an existing FlashCopy mapping.” “rmhost”,“Deletes a host object.” “rmhostiogrp”,“Deletes mappings between I/O groups and a host object.” “rmhostport”,“Deletes worldwide port names (WWPNs) or iSCSI names from a host object.” “rmldapserver”,“Deletes a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server.” “rmmdisk”,“Deletes a managed disk from a storage pool.” “rmmdiskgrp”,“Deletes a storage pool.” “rmnodecanister”,“Deletes a node canister from the system.” “rmpartnership”,“Removes a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror partnership on one system.” “rmportip”,“Removes an iSCSI IP address from a node canister ethernet port.” “rmportip_tms”,“Removes properties of an IP port.” “rmrcconsistgrp”,“Deletes a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group.” “rmrcrelationship”,“Deletes a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship.” “rmsnmpserver”,“Delete an SNMP server.” “rmsyslogserver”,“Deletes a syslog server.” “rmuser”,“Deletes a user.” “rmusergrp”,“Deletes a user group.” “rmvdisk”,“Deletes a volume.” “rmvdiskaccess”,“Deletes from the set of I/O groups in which a Volume can be made accessible to hosts.” “rmvdiskcopy”,“Removes a volume copy.” “rmvdiskhostmap”,“Deletes a volume-to-host mapping.” “sainfo”,“Displays service action views.” “satask”,“Performs service action tasks.” “sendinventoryemail”,“Sends an inventory email to all recipients enabled to receive inventory email notifications.” “setdisktrace”,“Sets a list of disks of a given type to include in a disk trace.” “setlocale”,“Changes the locale setting and command output to the chosen language.” “setpwdreset”,“Views or changes the status of the password-reset feature.” “setsystemtime”,“Sets the time for the system.” “settimezone”,“Sets the time zone for the system.” “settrace”,“Sets options for tracing I/O operations.” “showtimezone”,“Displays the current time zone settings for the system.” “shrinkvdisksize”,“Reduces the size of a volume by the specified capacity.” “splitvdiskcopy”,“Creates a separate volume from a synchronized copy of a mirrored volume.” “startemail”,“Activates the email and inventory notification function.” “startfcconsistgrp”,“Starts a FlashCopy consistency group.” “startfcmap”,“Starts a FlashCopy mapping.” “startrcconsistgrp”,“Starts the Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group copy process.” “startrcrelationship”,“Starts the Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship copy process.” “startstats”,“Changes the interval at which per-node canister statistics are collected.” “starttrace”,“Starts tracing I/O operations.” “stopemail”,“Stops the email and inventory notification function.” “stopfcconsistgrp”,“Stops all processing associated with a FlashCopy consistency group.” “stopfcmap”,“Stops all processing associated with a FlashCopy mapping.” “stoprcconsistgrp”,“Stops the copy process for a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group, or enables write access to the secondary volumes in the group.” “stoprcrelationship”,“Stops the copy process for a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror stand-alone relationship, or enables write access to a consistent secondary volume.” “stopsystem”,“Shuts down a single node canister or the entire system.” “stoptrace”,“Stops tracing I/O operations for the specified disk type.” “svc_livedump”,“Triggers a livedump of the system.” “svc_snap”,“Collects log files used by support for troubleshooting.” “svcconfig”,“Recovers, restores, or creates a backup of the system configuration.” “switchrcconsistgrp”,“Reverses the roles of primary and secondary volumes in a Metro Mirror or Global Mirror consistency group.” “switchrcrelationship”,“Reverses the roles of primary and secondary volumes in a stand-alone Metro Mirror or Global Mirror relationship.” “testemail”,“Sends a test email notification to one user or to all users of the email notification function.” “testldapserver”,“Tests a Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) server.” “triggerdrivedump”,“Collects support data from a disk drive.” “triggerenclosuredump”,“Forces the specified enclosure or enclosures to dump data.” “triggerlivedump”,“Captures a livedump to the internal disk on the node canister.” [/table]

#SNMP #Storwize